Messenger of Allah(Rassoul-ul-Laah)
2007.4.8  9:39:42 PM    Nasheed by Abo Ali  閱讀9977次
 the-deen.co.uk / gafelh.com

Rassoul-ul-Laah | The Messenger of Allah


By Brother Faris

The Messenger of Allah (Repeats)
The Messenger of Allah raised us,
And with Islam gave us life,
And taught us to become..
..aides to the religion of Allah
We became united by of the light of his guidance
As brethren and like relatives
And he watered our souls every time..
..they were thirsty for faith. (Repeats)
We inherited from him the laws of our lives,
and we made them high in status,
so we did not oppress or do injustice or go against our pacts
and did not become arrogant and mischievous. (Repeats)
The messenger of Allah is our role model,
He advised us to be on the right path,
For the sake of Truth, how much did he sacrifice..
..and how much did he experience hardship and suffer..
..and how much did he taste in pain many types of harm.
So he did not cease,
and did not submit,
and did not bow,
and never leant [towards their way]. (Repeats)
The enlightened in opinion when the winds of injustice were gusting and flooding,
A wise man who has bewildered the world with magical words of clarification,
Merciful as he goes and judges, and justice was the balance,
Merciful as he goes and judges, and justice was the balance. (Repeats)
The Messenger of Allah (Repeats)
So Youth of Truth, advance.. from your sanctuaries of worship like knights,
And in Islam take your example; the guidance of the chosen one,
And walk and bring glad tidings to the world, that the dawn has become clear,
And walk and bring glad tidings to the world, that the dawn has become clear,
that the dawn has become clear.
The Messenger of Allah raised us,
And with Islam gave us life,
And taught us to become..
..aides to the religion of Allah
We became united because of the light of his guidance
As brethren and like relatives
And he watered our souls every time..
..they were thirsty for faith.

你何有聽到?(Have You Heard?)
無借口缺離禮拜 (No Excuse to Miss Prayer)
為何我愛伊斯蘭(Why I Love Islam)
伊斯蘭復興(一) [Islamic Renaissance ]
伊斯蘭復興(二) [Islamic Renaissance ]
伊斯蘭復興(三) [Islamic Renaissance ]
與安拉的會面(A Meeting With Allah)
安拉的使者 (Messenger of God)
Multazim Par dua
伊斯蘭的信仰(Deen Il-Islaam )
噢!現世的旅客呀!(Dunya Ke Ain Musafir)
一個穆斯林的心(The Heart of a Muslim)
噢!安拉(Ya Allahu, Ya Allah)
英 文頌讚(第一集)

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